Episode 45 - More Pokemon Go, Mortuary Simulator, and Swag!!

Trying to bounce back from the disastrous Episode 44 (okay, it wasn't that bad), we got rid of Bret (okay, he slept in), and brought in Gabby DaRienzo from Laundry Bear games to talk about Mortuary Simulator, and Pokemon Go.  We also chatted other stuff, including Swag!

Check it out below!

Intro: Jake Butineau

Outro: Dan Rodrigues

Subscribe on iTunes!

Episode 45 - More Pokemon Go, Mortuary Simulator, and Swag!!

Episode 26 - What Is Ubisoft Toronto Working On?

This week on the podcast, Bret, Dan and I chat about what we think Ubisoft Toronto is working on.  As well as other stuff that happened during the week.  I'm playing Far Cry Primal right now for review, so the summary here is a little short. Enjoy!

Episode 26 - What Is Ubisoft Toronto Working On?

Episode 23 - Steve Is The Only One That Loves The Vita

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay in getting the podcast up. On this week:

Make sure to check out Jake who did our intro, and Dan who did the outro.  Let us know in the comments what you think and rate us on iTunes!

Episode 23 - Steve Is The Only One That Loves The Vita

Episode 14 - Fallout 4 Came Out

Hey everyone! Bret, Dan and I sat down once again to discuss Toronto developed games, and basketball.  Since I was busy playing Fallout, we didn't have much to discuss in terms of news, so we made up for it by talking about basketball, local events, and freemium pricing.

Give it a listen, and make sure to rate us on iTunes.  Also thanks to Jake and Dan for the intro and outro.

Episode 14 - Fallout 4 Came Out