Video Games News Time Daily - May 4th 2017
/We chat GRIP, Tap Titans 2, and Star Wars.
Reporting on the games made in Canada and the creators behind them
We chat GRIP, Tap Titans 2, and Star Wars.
May the fourth be with you! Though I've never known why today is Star Wars day other than it sounding similarly. Let's talk Star Wars, Grip, and Tap Titans 2. Tap Titans 2 Update: GRIP Update: Star Wars On Sale:
Confession time: I was addicted to Cookie Clicker...and Click Heroes. I had my computer on at all times always just clicking cookies, or clicking enemies. When I slept, when I went to work, when I left the house, I was collecting cookies, or killing beasts.
So earlier today I found out that Tap Titans, a similar clicking game on mobile devices, was created by Game Hive right here in Toronto. Thanks to them, I now have my iPad just chilling on the table while I write this post, tapping away. I guess I'm addicted again.
Once I get the will power to close the app, I'll check out Beat the Boss. Make sure to follow Game Hive on Twitter.