Quench Coming To Switch, Steam, and itch.io In August
/It’s been a few years since Axon Interactive Quench was successfully funded on Kickstarter, and now we have a release month as well as upcoming system releases. The storydriven puzzle game will launch next month on Steam, Nintendo Switch, and itch.io. The Switch version will also contain HD rumble, and touch controls.
Read MoreLet's Add Quench To Our Steam Wishlist!
/It looks like Axon Interactive's upcoming puzzle game Quench will be out sooner than later. The game now has a Steam page, so you can add the game to your wishlist now.
If you're unfamiliar with Quench, it is a story-driven puzzle game where you play as the Shepherd, an avatar of nature. You must help move animal tribes across the world using the elements of nature. It successfully got funded on Kickstarter in 2016 but we haven't heard much since. Once we have a clear release date I'll be sure to post it here - until then....wishlist!
Guest Blog Post - Thoughts on Bit Bazaar From Brian Yoon
/Friend of the site Brian Yoon checked out this past weekends Bit Bazaar and was kind enough to give some thoughts on the games he played. You can check Brian's Soundcloud right here, and follow him on Twitter here.
It was my first game event that I attended that was not a game jam. I was there to promote the game that I made music for called The Dungeon Crew by Clockwork Kraken (https://www.clockwork-kraken.com) and it was amazing! The hours are definitely gruesome, however it was fun and fulfilling.
The gaming garage inside CNE displayed array of games. Anywhere from boardgames to console games were there. Also there was a street fighter tournament happening as well. On the right side as soon as you enter, was game full of indie developers around Toronto. I was really surprised by all the different types of games that Toronto had to offer. There were games that are action driven to narrative games. I tried almost all the games that was there and I must say I was impressed and honoured to be part of such talented scene! Here are some of my favourite highlights. I will try my best to keep it nice and brief. Also they are in no particular order!
This is a story driven puzzle game where you play as a Shepard that controls the weather. With your weather controlling powers, you guide animals to safety. This game reminded me of Black & White except you are not a god. The game design was simple and yet had depth. Player is given a level of freedom to manipulate the weather however the player wants. I really like the concept and idea of involving something as simple as weather to project the game.
2) Way Of The Passive Fist by Household Games
This game reminded me of the 80s game side scrolling fighting games as such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or any of the games you played that sucked all the quarters out of you in the arcade. However, this game takes it a step further. This game is about parrying and doing the enemy to charge up for your attack, hence the name Passive Fist. The art work reminded me of Mad Max mixed with some samurai. The concept of the game is what sold me. We often think of button mashing and "hack and slash" games when it comes to fighting and action packed games. This game has as much action as those types of games and it takes a step further by having players' full attention to mechanics and surroundings. Not only that, these guys brought a homemade arcade machine to really give the arcade feel. Amazing.
Super casual game! If you liked 2048 on your phone, then you are going to love this. This game has similar game play without math. Who likes math anyway?
4) The Dungeon Crew by Clockwork Kraken
I know I made music for this and it could be self promotion type of thing. But I really think this game has potential. Easy mechanics and visuals to satisfy all age and gamers. Also very casual because it can be played on your mobile devices.The game features different class of heroes that you can control and manipulate as the game progresses. Don't let cute animation and characters fool you, this game is more challenging than you think! Release date is likely to be next year.
Overall, I really enjoyed discovering and exploring all the different types of games at BitBaazar. I hope this event becomes a bigger platform for indie game companies to shine and display their product in the future.
Thanks to Brian for putting this all together, we'll have another person's take on Bit Bazaar soon!
New Screenshots For Quench
/Quench looks to be coming along nicely, as Tabby from Axon Interactive posted some new screenshots for their game. You can check them out after the jump.
Read MoreQuench Now On Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight
/It looks like OSnap Games isn't the only one taking to Kickstarter today, because Toronto developer Axon Interactive is taking to the fundraising platform to help finish the development of Quench. The story-driven puzzle game pits you as Shepherd, an avatar of nature who can control the weather to guide animals where "you must protect your flock, tend the land, and unravel the mystery of the strange smokebeasts that have invaded the world."
You can check out the trailer below, and all the details of the Kickstarter here.
Axon Interactive is looking for $26,000 dollars but does include some stretch goals like voice acting, and a Wii U port. Make sure to check out the Kickstarter for all the details, let's get this game funded! The game also has a Steam Greenlight page up which you can vote for here. Make sure to follow Axon Interactive on Twitter and Tumblr for all the details.
Axon Interactive Announces Kickstarter For Quench Coming This Wednesday
/Axon Interactive teased that something was in the works for Quench, and now we know what. They've announced that this Wednesday they'll be launching a Kickstarter for their upcoming game Quench. There will also be a Steam Greenlight page that we can vote for:
In the past year, we’ve received incredibly encouraging feedback from our fans about the unique aesthetic of the world and its creatures, the focus on non-violence as a game mechanic, and the central themes of compassion and community, where you can change the world through nurturing the earth and helping others.
We’re on our way to completing and releasing Quench on PC and Mac near the end of 2016. But with the majority of our funding received and paid out (and the final amount allocated to post-production costs), we need a boost to help us get to the finish line. So we’ve decided to turn to our friends, family, and fans.
New Screenshots and Gifs for Quench
/Friends of the site Axon Interactive have been a little quiet on the Quench front lately, but they did show off some new screenshots and gifs of their upcoming game, which you can check out below. Quench puts players in control of "Shepherd, an avatar of nature, and you have the power to control the weather to guide herds of animals on a perilous journey."

You can follow along the developer on their official Twitter, and Tumblr feeds.
5 Days of Quench Updates
/With Bit Bazaar later this week, developer Axon Interactive has started showing off more details for their upcoming puzzle game Quench.
Day one focused on Shaman who is a "young elephant who has the power to commune with the natural world," and Smokebeasts:
"Quench begins with Shaman’s first pilgrimage, during which she must prove that she can lead her Tribe and the other animals with Shepherd’s help.....Smokebeasts take the form of ancient and somewhat monstrous animals shrouded in black smoke and seem to be found most often near caves and holes in the earth. The smoke that covers these creatures is noxious, and normal animals begin choking and coughing if they come too close. In certain circumstances, the smokebeasts emit a black sludge that coats the ground and prevents any life from growing there."

Day two focused on characters Headlong, Scout, and Springbok. You can check out all the details and more on their tumblr page. Make sure to check them out at Bit Bazaar this weekend, and be sure to keep it to TorontoGameDevs.com for all the latest.
Canadian indie game studio Red Meat Games have released their episodic, narrative-driven audio game Project Dark on Steam and Nintendo Switch.