Severed Out On Wii U September 22nd
/ Stephen CraneFirst it was released on PlayStation Vita, then it was announced it was coming to iOS, Wii U, and 3DS. The iOS version is out for players to enjoy and now we know when the Wii U version comes out.
Nintendo announced the Nindies Summer Jam, and Severed is part of it and will be out September 22nd for Wii U, with the 3DS version coming out sometime in the Fall.
Get ready for #Nindies Summer Jam! Every Thursday in September, a new digital release for Wii U, Nintendo 3DS or both, will hit the Nintendo eShop at 10% of listing price for the first week! Check out these participating #Nindies Summer Jam titles, as well as a variety of upcoming Nindie games for the rest of 2016 and beyond!
You can check out the video below of what I thought of the iOS version against the Vita version as well:
I chat about Severed, and my thoughts on how the PlayStation Vita game plays on iOS. Check out more at
Part of the same video showed Runbow Pocket coming to 3DS in Q4, so we'll have more on that and Severed 3DS as it becomes available.