Explore Post-Apocalyptic Toronto Islands In Manimal Sanctuary - The VR Lurking Simulator
/ Stephen CraneManimal Sanctuary is one of the more unique games I've come across in a while, and it takes place in Toronto (specifically Toronto Island, and more specifically in a post-apocalyptic setting). It's described as a "VR lurking simulator" and you can check out the official description from the iTunes store:
Manimal Sanctuary is a virtual reality lurking simulator that uses mobile technology to enable every player's ultimate fantasy: to play a creature -- part coral reef, part Cthulhu -- who consumes human emotions. Set on the Toronto Islands after the rest of the world is devoured by gibbering monstrosities, you eavesdrop on the survivors and their everyday dramas involving things like bad potato crops and graffiti tags. And if those emotions aren't delicious enough, you can compel them to tell devastating secrets.
You can check out the trailer and screenshots below - also make sure to download the game for free on iOS and Android. I was able to play a bit of the game even without the mobile VR unit thing, so give it a whirl!
Play a creature part coral reef, part Cthulhu, who consumes human emotions. Free demo at http://postopian.games Set on the Toronto Islands after the rest of the world is devoured by gibbering monstrosities, you eavesdrop on the survivors and their petty dramas involving things like bad potato crops and graffiti tags.

I was just mentioning on this weeks podcast that VR appears to just be full steam ahead right now, with Bloxiq VR shown last week, here comes Mervils, a fantasy VR game from London developer VitruviusVR.