Drinkbox Announces 'Nobody Saves the World' for Xbox and Windows
/Toronto-based Drinkbox Studios have announced their next game Nobody Saves the World during the ID@Xbox event last week. It’s the first game from the studio since 2018’s Gucamelee! 2, and the first new property since 2016’s Severed. The game will be coming soon to PC, and Xbox consoles (and will be on GamePass day one!).
Transform into a ranger, a knight, and a HORSE in this new twist on Action RPGs from the creators of Guacamelee! Discover over a dozen forms, mix-and-match their abilities, complete quests and... SAVE THE WORLD??

Solo indie dev expert and longtime friend-of-the-site Devon Wiersma joins us to talk their latest release Centauri Dark, working across AAA, mid-sized and solo indie dev and how to fix this goshdarn industry.