Beans Team Indie Studio Founded in Toronto, Partnered with Devolver
/During Devolver Digital’s 2020 Devolver Direct, former Ubisoft developers Gabriela Salvatore (@ghostordie) and Dean Evans (@SpleenZilla) announced the formation of their new Toronto-based indie game studio Beans Team and they’re hiring for their first (unannounced) project.
Gabriela Salvatore (@ghostordie) and Dean Evans (@SpleenZilla) during the Devolver Direct (not pictured: two large Popeyes cups).
Beans Team “is a new-age interactive media ensemble specializing in the creation of modern computer entertainment.” They’re working on an unannounced new IP with help from Devolver Digital (@devolverdigital), the indie game publisher powerhouse behind hits like Hotline Miami, Luftrausers and Serious Sam 4 to name a few.
“A lot of people have been complaining about the AAA business and the lack of risk-taking, that I’d be a total fucking hypocrite if I moved forward and didn’t take any risks. So fuck it, I think I might go out and set up my own studio and see where that goes.”
They’re looking to hire seven other developers by the end of 2020, and if you’re interested you can apply for the jobs on their dope website.