Filtering by: New World Interactive

7:30 PM19:30

GameDev Drinks - Game Demo Night

The monthly GameDev Drinks is doing something a little different this month. As discussed on the podcast, we're going to have a Game Demo night. So far the studios are Hard Circle, Odd Bird Studios, Moonray Studios, and New World Interactive will be demo'ing their games for everyone to play.

You can check out the full details on the free event at the EventBite. But I've copied some things below as well.

We invite all of you within or curious about our game development community to come and join us at the Pheasant Plucker on Wednesday, Oct 19th for a night of good times and good cheer. This month we are doing something a little different. We are having our first ever Game Demo Night. Studios from around the GTHA will have their latest games on display for everyone to play.
From 7:00-10:30 p.m., GameDevDrinks is the place for you to hang out and play the newest indie titles the GTHA has to offer. Also, you can chat with all the developers, share your feedback on their games, or just hang out because at GDD our goal is to create a casual and creative social environment for anyone - student, hobbyist, enthusiast and professional alike - who shares the common interest of game development of any kind.


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7:00 PM19:00

GameDev Drinks - Andrew Spearin Speaks About Insurgency

GameDev Drinks is back, and March will bring us Andrew Spearin from New World Interactive, the developers being Insurgency.  You can check out the full details of the free event over on the Eventbrite site.

We invite all of you within or curious about our game development community to come and join us at the Pheasant Plucker on Wednesday, March 23rd for a night of good times and good cheer. This month our guest speaker is Andrew Spearin the co-founder of the original Insurgency mod, and now the Insurgency game's Creative Director.
From 7:00-10:30 p.m., GameDevDrinks is the place for you to hang out and to hear Andrew Spearin speak about the trials and tribulations of Insurgency, as well as get a hands-on experience with their latest game “Insurgency”. Afterwards you can chat with Andrew Spearin, share your game concepts and ideas, tell and trade stories, show off game demos or just network and hang out because at GDD our goal is to create a casual and creative social environment for anyone - student, hobbyist, enthusiast and professional alike - who shares the common interest of game development of any kind.

See you on the 23rd!

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