Happy Canada Day! Toronto Games Released This Year
I figured I would take this Canada Day (and half-way point of the year) to celebrate the Toronto developed games that have been released so far. They are in no particular order and I've tried to link to a page to buy them. If I'm missing one, make sure to let me know on Twitter.
Runbow: Satura's Space Adventure! from 13AM Games
Cally’s Caves 3 from VDOGames
Kapsul Infinite from Luke O'Connor
Hard Vacuum Lullaby from One More Story Games
Robo’s World: The Zarnok Fortress from Bluish-Green Productions and Throw Away Games
Robo's World: The Darnok Fortress came out on steam earlier this year and was available to patreon's
Severed from DrinkBox Studios
Far Cry Primal from Ubisoft
Fortified from Clapfoot Games
Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander from Massive Damage Inc
Real Army Simulator from The Really Serious Game Company
Dashy Square from Kastriot Sulejmani
Forbidden Dessert from Button Mash Games
Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime from Asteroid Base
We Are Doomed was a perfect fit on PlayStation Vita
Ace Academy: Black Flight from Illumination Games
Alto’s Adventure (Android) from Snowman
Cel Damage HD (Xbox) from Finish Line Games
Planktos from Blot Interactive
Sago Mini Trucks and Diggers from Sago Mini
Grumz from Picnic Game Labs
Block Swop from Wooly Walrus Games
Quick Drop from Wooly Walrus Games
pitfall planet won level up in 2015
Fantasy Tales Online from Cold Tea Studio
Shadow Heroes: Vengeance In Flames from Allied Games
AlphaPit from Shane McCafferty
Frank The Spider from Yahman Games
Congrats to all the developers on releasing their games, here's to a great back half of 2016. Happy Canada Day!